Call For Abstracts

Call for Abstracts

The Scientific Committee of the 7th Ifhnos World Congress cordially invites you to submit abstracts to share the most up-to-date research works and interesting cases from around the world.

Type of Presentation

  • 2D VIDEO
  • 3D VIDEO

Abstract submission guidelines

  • Deadline for abstract submission is February 15, 2023
  • Abstracts should contain new material that has never been previously presented or published.
  • Abstracts must be organized into four sections: 1. Aims/Objectives; 2. Materials/Methods; 3. Results; 4. Conclusion.
  • Author and Institution names should not be included in the title or body of the abstract in order to maintain anonymity and objectivity in the review process.
  • Abstracts should not contain illustrations, images nor graphs but a single table is permitted within the constraints of the character limit.
  • The maximum word limit is 500, excluding the abstract title.
  • A maximum of 10 author names are allowed for each abstract.
  • Presenting Authors may submit only two abstracts for each type of presentation.

Further information can be obtained by the following link: